At the end of the third quarter each year (during the October verification period), your program will be asked questions about applicants and housing units during the most recently completed YouthBuild Global Cohort Year. The Cohort Year runs from October 1 through September 30 of the following year.

The Annual Survey can be accessed from your program's Overview page. Click here for a list of the questions asked. 


The Applicants section begins with a statement automatically populates your enrollments and exits in DYB for YouthBuild Global Cohort Year in question. Any changes to your data would be reflected in these numbers.

Housing Units

The Housing Units section asks about new units and units that were rehabilitated during that time frame. If one or more units were completed or rehabbed, additional questions regarding weatherization, LEED certification, Energy Star rated and other green practices are asked.

Previous Surveys

To view surveys from previous years, click on the years listed at the bottom of the Annual Survey Page. Currently only Surveys completed in DYB are available (2014-15 and later).