To edit tags for one or many students at once, click Tags from the left side Program Menu to go to the Tags Page. On the Tags Page, you can manage all of your program’s User Tags – including creating new tags, changing the name of an existing tag and bulk adding or removing students from a tag.
To Create a New Tag and Add Students to it
For example, let’s say you want to create a tag for the class of students who enrolled together in January 2015. Choose Tags from the Program Menu. Then click +Add Tag in the upper right corner of the page. Enter a Tag Name – for this example let’s use “Jan 2015 Class.” You can add a description if you like to clarify what the tag is for. Other users at your program will be able to see this description. Click Save.
After creating a new tag, all of your participants will show below and you can add students to this tag from this list immediately. It is easy to filter or sort this list and get only who you want to display. For our example, we only want to see students who enrolled in January 2015. At the top of the names list you will see Sort by Name, which is the default sort. Hover your mouse over Name and more sort options will appear. Choose Enrolled. Now the students will be sorted in order of enrollment date. Find the students for the date range you are interested in, noting that they may appear on a subsequent page. To add a student to the Tag, click the empty circle next to their name. A green check will appear. Any student with a green check next to it is added to this tag.
If a student was added in error, simply click the green check to remove it.
There are other ways to find the students you want to add to the tag – simply type in their name in the “Search participants” bar or use the “Filter participants by tags” option below the search bar, which gives you very specific filter options using System Tags.
Once you’re done, you can click on the In Tag filter pill at the top of the list to double check those are the students you’d like in the tag.
Your new tag will now be listed under My Tags any time you’d like to use it on the Students Page or with Reports.
To Edit a Tag
Click on Tags from the Program Menu. Then click on the name of the tag you’d like to edit. Next, click on the Edit Tag button on the upper right. Here you can change the Tag Name or Description. Click Save when you are done.
You can also add new students to the tag if you’d like by clicking the All Participants filter pill and clicking the circle next to their name.
To Remove a Tag Entirely
Click on Tags from the Program Menu. Then click on the name of the tag you’d like to remove. Next, click on the Edit Tag button on the upper right. Here you will see the option Remove Tag <Tag Name> in red on the lower right. Note: Removing a tag does not delete the students from the system, only the tag!
To Remove Students from a Tag
Click on Tags from the Program Menu. Then, click on the name of the tag you’d like to remove the student(s) from. Now you can see the students currently included in the tag. Click on (or uncheck) the green check next to the name(s) you’d like to remove from the tag. You can also remove all of the students from the tag by choosing the red Remove <x> participants from Tag in the upper right. Once you’ve done that you can add different students to the tag, or you can click Remove Empty Tag to remove the tag from the system entirely. It’s a good idea to clean up your tags and remove empty tags.
You can also edit an individual student’s tags on their Student Overview page!
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