Student Profile
Name: __________________________________________
- What is the student’s sex?
- Female
- Male
- Other/Intersex
Birth Date: _______________________
With what race and/or origin does the student identify?
- White
- Enter origin such as German, Irish, Lebanese, etc. _______________________________
- Black or African American
- Enter origin such as African American, Haitian, Nigerian, etc. __________________________________
- Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin
- Enter origin such as Mexican, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Columbian, etc. ___________________________________
- American Indian or Native Alaskan
- Enter origin such as Navajo, Mayan, Tingit, etc. _________________________________
- Asian or South Asian
- Enter origin such as Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hmong Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, etc. __________________________________________
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
- Enter origin such as Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, Fijian, etc.________________________________
- Other race or origin
- Enter other race or origin ___________________________________________________
What is the student’s marital status?
- Married
- Single
- Widowed
- Divorced
- Civil Union
- Partner/Cohabitating
- Unknown
Was this student a parent or primary caregiver at entry to YouthBuild?
- Parent
- Primary Caregiver
- Both parent and primary caregiver
- Neither
Is this student currently homeless or have they been homeless in the last year?
- Currently homeless
- Homeless in past year
- Neither
- Unknown
Has the student ever been in foster care?
- Currently in foster care
- Aged out of or no longer in foster care
- Never in foster care
- Unknown
Is this student economically disadvantaged?
- Yes
- No
Is the student an English language learner?
- Yes
- No
Does the student identify as LGBTQ?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Was the student employed for any part of the 6 months before entry into YouthBuild?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
If this student enrolls in postsecondary education will they be a first generation enrollee?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Does this student identify as having a disability?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Is this student registered to vote? (asked if over 18 years old)
- Yes
- No
- Not Eligible to Vote
- Unknown
Was this student a youth or adult offender before entry into YouthBuild?
- Youth Offender
- Adult Offender
- Both Youth and Adult Offender
- Neither
- Unknown
What was the student’s most recent release date (if known)? __________________
What was the student’s court involvement at entry into YouthBuild (if involved at entry)?
- On parole/probation
- In detention/incarcerated
- Case pending
- None
Contact Information
Student’s Email Address: __________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________
State: ___________
Twitter: __________________________________________________
Facebook: ________________________________________________
Education Profile
How many years was the student out of school before enrolling in YouthBuild? __________________________
Reading Grade Level
Grade Level: ________________________ Test Date: __________________ (Pre-test)
Grade Level: ________________________ Test Date: __________________ (Post-test)
Math Grade Level
Grade Level: ________________________ Test Date: __________________ (Pre-test)
Grade Level: ________________________ Test Date: __________________ (Post-test)
Diploma and High School Equivalency
Educational Credential at Entry:
- High School Diploma
- High School Equivalency
- No Credential
Educational Credential Earned After Entry
- High School Diploma
- Other Equivalency
- None
Educational Credential date (if awarded after entry): ________________________________
Post Secondary Goals
Initial Desired PSE Credential
- Associates Degree
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Graduate/Professional Degree
- Certificate
- Apprenticeship Placement
- Employment only
Post Secondary Prep Achievements (questions asked at exit)
Did this student earn post secondary credits at your program?
- Yes
- How many post secondary credits did this student earn?
- No
- Unknown
Did this student complete a FAFSA while at your program?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Did this student take a college placement test?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Did the student complete any post secondary applications?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
Certificate Name:
- Customer Service Excellence
- CPR/First Aid
- OSHA 10
- OSHA 30
- Driver’s License
- Other
Date Received: ________________________________
If Other:
Certificate Name: _______________________________________
- Type:
- Construction
- Customer Service
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- Foundational
- Other
- Industry Recognized:
- Yes
- No
- Type:
If NCCER: Please choose any/all NCCER curricula completed:
- Core Curriculum
- Weatherization Level 1
- Weatherization Level 2
- Your Role in the Green Environment
If BPI: Please choose any/all BPI curricula completed:
- Building Analyst
Activity Type:
- Barista Training
- College Bridge Program
- Internship
- Mental Toughness 2 (MT2)
- Mentoring
- Policy Committee Member
Activity Start Date: _______________________
If Mentoring:
What kind of mentoring did the student receive?
- Group
- Individual
- Both
Was the mentor a Youth Opportunity AmeriCorps Mentor?
- Yes
- No
If Internship:
Internship Name: ___________________________________________________
Job Placement
Employer Name: _____________________________________________________________
Start Date: ____________________________________________________________________
End Date (only if job placement has ended): _______________________________________
Type of Job:
- Architecture, and engineering
- Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media
- Building and grounds cleaning, and maintenance
- Business and financial operations
- Community and social services
- Computers, Information Technology, Math
- Construction and extraction
- Education, training, and library
- Farming, fishing, and forestry
- Food preparation and serving related
- Healthcare support, practitioners, and technical
- Installation, Maintenance, and repair
- Legal
- Life, physical, and social science
- Management
- Military specific
- Office and administrative support
- Personal care and service
- Production
- Protective service
- Sales and related
- Transportation and material moving
- Unknown job type
- Full Time Employment
- Part Time Employment
- Unknown
Is this placement a green job?
- Yes
- No
- Unknown
What is the starting wage for this student’s placement? ______________________________
Education Placement
What is the name of this Post Secondary Institution or apprenticeship? ____________________________________________
Enrollment Date: ____________________________________
Where is this student getting their continuing education?
- College or University
- Community College
- Trade School/Non-College Training Program
- Registered Apprenticeship Training
Is this placement full time or part time?
- Full Time
- Part Time
- Unknown
If selected College or University:
Is the college or university a public or private school?
- Public
- Private
- Unknown
Details (If selected College or University, Community College or Trade School / Non-College Training Program):
How many credits has the student earned at this placement? (Asked at exit only of PSE Initiative Programs) ___________________
What credential is the student working towards at this placement?
- Bachelors Degree
- Associates Degree
- Technical Credential
- Graduate/Professional Degree
- Apprenticeship Credential
- Other
- Unknown
If selected Registered Apprenticeship Training:
Apprenticeship Details:
What is the training wage for this apprenticeship? ___________________________
In what sector is this apprenticeship?
- Construction
- Healthcare
- Retail
- Other
What kind of organization sponsors this apprenticeship?
- Employers / Industry
- Trade Associations
- Unions
Education Placement:
- Verify
- Unable to Verify
- End Placement
If Verify: When did you follow up with the student? _____________
If Unable to Verify: When did you attempt to contact the student? _______________
If End Placement: Date: _____________
What was the result of this educational placement?
- Graduated / Completed Successfully
- Family Care
- Pursuing Employment
- Transferred to another institution
- Criminal Justice Involvement
- Financial Difficulties
- Other
If Graduated/Completed Successfully:
What type of degree or credential was earned at this placement?
- Bachelors Degree
- Associates Degree
- Technical Certification
- Graduate / Professional Degree
- Apprenticeship Credential
- Other
If Bachelors Degree, Associates Degree, Graduate / Professional Degree:
What was the field of study or major for the degree received?
- Non-STEM
- Academic
- Healthcare
- Business
- Manufacturing
- Other
If Technical Certification, Apprenticeship Credential, or Other:
What is the name of the credential earned? _________________________
Article Keywords / Topics: Data Points, List of Questions