Program Info page
Program Name:
Main Address
Main Address:
Billing Address:
Phone Numbers
Phone Number: ____________________________________
Fax Number: _______________________________________
Sponsoring Organization
Sponsoring Organization Name: ________________________
Sponsor Website: ___________________________________
Sponsor Phone: ____________________________________
Sponsor Fax: ______________________________________
Separate Sponsor Address:
Rural/Tribal Status
Rural Status: Urban / Part Rural / Rural
Tribal Status: Not Tribal / Part Tribal / Tribal
Web Addresses
Website: _________________________________________
Facebook: _______________________________________
Twitter: __________________________________________
YouTube: ________________________________________
Flickr: ___________________________________________
Instagram: ________________________________________
Program Model page
Enrollment, Attendance, and Program Length
Months over the upcoming year in which you expect to enroll new students:
- Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
What is the average program length of this YouthBuild program? __________Months
How many hours per week does this YouthBuild program expect a full time YouthBuild student to be in attendance? __________ hours/week
How many scheduled instructional hours are in a typical day at this YouthBuild program? __________ hours/day
Who provides the educational component at this YouthBuild program?
- YouthBuild Staff
- Other Staff
- Staff at a Partner Organization
Are students able to earn high school diplomas through this YouthBuild Program?
- Yes / No
If Yes: These diplomas are granted through a:
- Traditional Public High School
- Charter School
- Alternate High School
- Other: ___________________
If Charter School: Is this YouthBuild program chartered through its state or its district?
- State
- District
Which career pathways are offered at this YouthBuild program?
- Construction
- Culinary
- Technology
- Healthcare
- Other(s): ________________________________________________________________
Green Building Practices
Is this YouthBuild (or its sponsoring organization) a member of the U.S. Green Building Council?
- Yes / No
Program Design
Does this YouthBuild program have a Policy Committee with youth involvement?
- Yes / No
Does this YouthBuild program have a formal substance abuse policy?
- Yes / No
Does this program offer financial literacy skills development activities?
- Yes / No
What PSE bridging activities does this program offer?
- Bridge Program
- Dual Enrollment
- College Visits or Tours
- PSE Preparation Courses
- Advising by PSE staff
- After School Tutoring
- No bridging activites offered
- Other(s): ________________________________________________________________
Annual Survey Questions
How many applicants did your program have in this timeframe?
__________ Applicant(s)
How many of those applicants were accepted and started Mental Toughness?
__________ Applicant(s)
Housing Units
Please indicate the total number of housing units completed between October 1, 20__ and September 30, 20__ for each of the following types.
How many new housing units were completed?
__________ New Unit(s)
How many housing units were rehabbed?
__________ Unit(s) Rehabbed
(If one or more units were completed or rehabbed:)
Please indicate how many of the above housing units were built or rehabbed using the following practices.
How many of these units were weatherized?
__________ Unit(s)
How many of these units were Energy Star rated?
__________ Unit(s)
How many of these units were LEED Certified?
__________ Unit(s)
How many of these units used any other green practices?
__________ Unit(s)
Article Keywords / Topics: Data Points, List of Questions, Dual Enrollment