Adding Students is done from the Students page, which can be found by choosing Students from the left side program menu.

To Add a Student:

To add a new student, click the + Add Student button at the top right above the search bar.

Enter the student's full name and enrollment date and click Add, or Add and go to profile if you would like to begin data entry on that student.

Note: Type in the name in its actual order. DYB will automatically determine first and last names. You can change this using custom sort, available on the student's Profile page in the Name field. 

If you attempt to add a student already in the system (or a student with a similar name), you will see that student's information appear below the Name field. If in fact it is a duplicate student, click Cancel in the upper right. Please make every effort not to have duplicate students or students with '2' or the like after their names. 


Tip: Add More Than One Student With the Same Enrollment Date

Let's say you have a class of students to enter who enrolled on the same day. Save a few clicks with this time-saving tip. Click the +Add Student button, type in a name and enrollment date and click Add (NOT Add and go to profile). The new student is added and the Add Student window stays open, retaining the enrollment date. Just continue on, typing in a new student and clicking Add for each student until you are done. 

Article Keywords/Topics: How to Enroll Students, How to Enter New Cohort, How Do I Add New Students